19 January 2010

And the marketing strategy is..??

We're surrounded by abject poverty and very basic living conditions, if even that, but when this boat of kids pulled up alongside to beg, my only reaction is to laugh. Does that make me a bad person?

We were touring one of the floating villages of Tonle Sap, the largest lake in Southeast Asia, in Cambodia. The odd geological feature is that the water flows upstream to fill the lake during the dry season. Yes, I have actually seen the reverse current from Phnom Penh, a six-hour ride downstream.

"Floating village" to me conjures up images of houses on stilts on the water. But in reality, the "houses" are boats, boats that became homes. Dad, ever the traveling businessman he is, asked our guide if they have Internet on the boats. No, Dad, they don't. The wealthier, however, do have a television running off a salvaged car battery. Yes, whole floating on the water. No wonder why there's no OSHA here.

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